Midnight Monster TWO: Why Children Really Are Scary

Hey ya’ll- sorry not to post for a while! Didn’t have my flashdrive the past few weekends, as I had to pass it off to a teacher for schoolwork :p

BUT, he has finally given it back, and I was able to scan things. Thus, I have not one, but TWO pages of sketchy things and explanations… though really, I should probably have more…. *rueful grimace*  yeeeeah sorry XD

Still, I’ve got things. That’s better than nada, right?

I think I’ll show the latest sketches first, as they’re not as complex- and I can save the reason of this post’s title for last >:D  muwahahahahahaaaaaa

Thus: the first page!

Wooooh clothes and fish and stuff

Wooooh clothes and fish and stuff

So this page, starting at the top, holds a sketch of a terracotta fish statue I saw last weekend, a random face, a derpy Minecraft pig, and a sketch of the outfit I planned for this past Friday, as it was the last day of a special week at school!

See, this last week my friend Beck and I (yanno- the one who was L the first year of A-Kon? And Edaniel this last year?) taught 2nd and 5th period theater: THE ENTIRE WEEK. EACH DAY.

What did we teach, you may wonder?


So we cosplayed and generally dressed up each day. XD

First day, I dressed in a fancy red and black ensemble, all slightly Victorian and shmancy. I kind of made it Madam Red-esque, and Beck was supposed to dress up with me too… but instead just dressed like Ronald Knox.

…. *whisper* cooooop ouuuut…. XD

Anyway, that day we gave a general over-view of cosplay and the manners expected at conventions and stuff.

Second day, I just dressed up with normal makeup while she crossplayed as a dude, and we talked about different types of wigs and how to do different styles of makeup. Third day, I dressed all steampunk, while she dressed as Glitch from Dance Central, and I talked about props and different materials. Then Thursday, she and our friend who couldn’t make it to the last A-Kon dressed up with me as Ib, Mary, and Garry from the game Ib (which was AMAZING), and we all made pointy teeth and horns.  Finally, on Friday, she dressed as L, and I was dolled up in basically the outfit you see in the sketch… without my feet looking horrendously twisted XD And we taught the classes about sewing, standards for competitions, patterns, and altering clothes!

It was a lot of fun… I enjoyed it quite a lot. XD

So anyway, that’s the first sketch page.


SO, based off of the title of the post, you may consider yourself well warned that this post may be extremely creepy! READ AT YOUR OWN PERIL.


So I’d been reading about different monsters and beasties (of course), and watching my usual mass amounts of game play-throughs… when suddenly, I happened to find an article when looking for something for a school thing.

This is the article.

…I had to rethink my assertion that children are not in fact creepy, as I typically think.

Just look at the pictures.

So creepy.

I used to look like that, on the inside of my head… YOU used to.

Isn’t that weird? Regardless, the pictures sparked something in brain, paired with the beasties and video games, and the wheels started turning for a new monster.

Here’s what I came up with >:3

My newest nightmare

My newest nightmare- and now yours too! MUWAHAHAHAHAH

I think my favorites are the child/deer skull overlay and the first ink sketch of the monster…. Though that’s basically half the page. XD

See, I’d been thinking for a while now about a couple of games: Spooky’s House of Jumpscares and Year Walk. Both are extremely awesome, and a bit creepy (or a lot, depending on your threshold for that kind of thing); but best of all, each have some great monsters. Year Walk in particular had a great Scandinavian beastie know as “bäckahäst”, or the brook horse (learn more about the game and it’s monsters here– it’s awesome) that particularly intrigued me, due to being a kind of sinister cross between a kelpie and the Pied Piper. As the scary kind of monster, it does its job well; and for the kind of short story and mini-game I’ve been thinking about, I wanted that really creepy aspect of the horse- or in Spooky’s House, deer.

That’s something I’ve noticed about different monsters: the scariest are those that take something normal, or innocent, and make them creepy; and really, that’s a common rule in horror or just creepy games: scary children, demon babies, possessed dolls, ect…

Thinking about the children in relation to the monster, I decided to combine something else with the idea of the scary deer or horse: in many cultures, there are creatures, spirits, and monsters that came about by some wrong being done to child; whether it be abandonment, or simply death without baptism or being named.

Thus, I decided to combine what I had seen with the photos of the skull with these pieces of lore, and create the beastie you see above, whose origin is not completely worked out, but is generally defined:

This creature (yet unnamed) originated from some kind of child, which died and suffered some tragic event- perhaps its family was killed, or it was the spirit of some patch of land that was forgotten, and thus became angered. However it occurred, it was corrupted, and I tried to capture what it became as best I could with my Faber-Castel pens.

Ultimately, the child’s skull shows the 4 total layers of teeth, and would be visible when the mouth of the deer skull was open (similar to the second mouth in the animatronics from Five Nights At Freddie’s. The deer skull would have the usual assortment of raggedy and jagged teeth that most monsters have, and the antlers seen actually extend down through the deer skull part, to attach to the child-like one– something that will become an important clue to the backstory of the child that I have forming.

The mini story I have in mind to go with this beastie would probably be a spin-off of that story series I’ve been writing and have alluded to at other times; one probably meant to be a graphic novel kind of short story, and a bit of a tear-jerker (as well as being creepy).

I guess it’s a bit odd to like the creepy and spooky so much, but I love how those kinds of elements can create a plot-line that leads to catharsis of kinds other than the adrenaline rush and fear… the kind that works to shape a character into something stronger, not just break them down; and can even either destroy something dark from ever hurting others again- or help something or someone be released from that darkness that overwhelmed them.

Sometimes monsters never wanted to become that way, right? I like to think that sometimes, fighting back not only saves the heroes, but the villains of a story too.

Anyway XD That’s the new Midnight Monster- I guess this is an actual thing, now? Though it’s more like an almost 2PM Monster XD

Hope it’s not only creepy- that maybe my explanation kind of changes that to just the good kind of shiver down the spine.

May your night be filled with the exciting kind of dreams that can come from a good beastie, not the horrible ones!

Sweet dreams, and till next weekend,


About spydersquirrel

Drawing, writing, costuming, martial arts, steampunk, KH, and reading any subject on Earth are just a few of my favorite things... I encourage the use of the word 'abscond' and believe that hats and boots were God's gift to humanity.
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