I Guess You Get Some Monsters

Sooooo I haven’t done much this week outside of my homework for my art class (which is currently being graded), and something I’ve started in the last few hours and haven’t finished.

So the only thing I really have to share are some random little sketchy things of some monsters today.

Sooooooooooooooo here they are:



I even included little sizing/scale guys so you can think about how big or small these guys would be as they chase you down or haunt you in the wastes. Helpful when they’re trying to eat you, aren’t they?

The tall one is from the cover art for Bobaflex’s album Tales From Dirt Town- it was pretty creepy so I drew it up. Maybe I’ll make something based off of it sometime…. Not sure. ^^

The thing with the long arms is based from something you might have seen online: if you’ve seen those surely-virus-infested ads sitting there on the other side of that comic you’re surfing, or on a song lyric site, or yadayadayada (they usually say something about your age and mortgage loans or something); a creature that looks rather like that one comes SWINGING ACROSS THE BACKGROUND very abruptly and it usually freaks me out a little because it just APPEARS and it MOVES and it’s in the corner of my eye and just- UGH. So of course I’m probably going to use it as a base for a monster sometime.

And then the third is just centipede/millipede-ish. Because I asked my mom for suggestions for creepy stuff and the best she gave me was centipede.

So that’s it for this week- hopefully next week will have much more coolness.

Hope your week is great,


About spydersquirrel

Drawing, writing, costuming, martial arts, steampunk, KH, and reading any subject on Earth are just a few of my favorite things... I encourage the use of the word 'abscond' and believe that hats and boots were God's gift to humanity.
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2 Responses to I Guess You Get Some Monsters

  1. I like your little men more economial and lifelike than stick men. You’re mom is absolutely right centipedes are creepy. You might not know this but the Bugs of Texas are especially creepy! The Stinkbugs here are giant and they fly and buzz as they’re going by your ear and the strange phenominon of the Giant Crickets here that die by the score in doorways. Then once we were on the green belt and the Rivera d we were wading in the water and I saw by the shore Giant Red Milapedes. You could do a booklet to the Creepiest Bugs of Texas if you wanted to impress your Art teacher and your Sience teacher at the same time, a two for one. Kathy

  2. Haha thanks 😀 Yeah, Texas does have some really weird insects XD I always feel bad during cricket season; I haven’t looked up why they die so much during that time but just the fact that they do seems so sad O,e I wish I could have seen the millipedes! 😀 That sounds awesome XD And maybe; I should probably practice drawing some bugs anyway, just to get a feel for how they’re built and look and all… 🙂

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